Vampires have been in our culture for a long time, but is it going overboard? Vampires have fascinated and scared people for centuries. In my opinion, we are going a little over the top. I always liked the older Vamps, like the ones in Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel. These new Vampires are OK, but they defy the meaning of the word Vampire. Vampires need human blood, sure they can live off Animal blood, but that was Angel. The new vamps in Twilight make me sick. They only sparkle in the sun, instead of dying. The vampires in Cirque Du Freak, are on the border line, but are still cool. They are like the old night bloodsuckers we all love with a modern twist. I like the way the old ones made people scared, now people WANT to be vampires. What you think? over? or no?
Here are some links i found that tell me people are way too crazy about Vampires. :