Vampires have been in our culture for a long time, but is it going overboard? Vampires have fascinated and scared people for centuries. In my opinion, we are going a little over the top. I always liked the older Vamps, like the ones in Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel. These new Vampires are OK, but they defy the meaning of the word Vampire. Vampires need human blood, sure they can live off Animal blood, but that was Angel. The new vamps in Twilight make me sick. They only sparkle in the sun, instead of dying. The vampires in Cirque Du Freak, are on the border line, but are still cool. They are like the old night bloodsuckers we all love with a modern twist. I like the way the old ones made people scared, now people WANT to be vampires. What you think? over? or no?
Here are some links i found that tell me people are way too crazy about Vampires. :
Well, you bring up a good point but should explain what you mean by over the top. I understand what you mean but it could use some more explaination. Very good though!
ReplyDeleteI think that we are certainly going overboard on the whole vampire thing. Vampires are gaining too much publicity. I started reading the Twilight series right before the big movie announcement that got everybody over excited. Ever since, America has been on the verge of vampire overload!! I will admit to being one of the people who longed to be a vampire. Sometimes I think I still want to be one, but then I think about all the media Twilight and all these other vampire books and movies got, and that's enough to change my mind. Quite frankly, I think that we should give vampires a break. Try to get interested in some other fictitious creature. How about cyclopses? No one ever writes anything extremely interesting about cyclopses!! Okay, now I'm going a little crazy. I'm going to try to be a regular visitor to this blog, so maybe you'll see more of me here. Ciao!
ReplyDeleteI completly agree with you on the whole vampire thing. The old vampires the were extremely powerfull but wilted in the sun gave them a more ominous and creepy feeling. The vampires in Twilight are NOT vampires. At least not in the traditional sense. Is is her book so she can write what she wants and make her characters be whatever she wants. But I mean "sparkling"? really? I read Twilight and can't understand why people are flipping out. It's not well written. The story is acceptable but the way she presents the plot awfull. And as for cyclopses, The Sword of the Bedwyr has cyclops in it. haha
ReplyDeleteI do tottaly agree with this blog, nice job Val! But, I will admit i wanted to be one too. I wanted to have the speed and strenght. Now, too many people want the same thing and they are all over the news and magazines. But, you have to admit it that Edward Cullen is very cute. He has stole the hearts of many young and sometimes older girls. He even stole mine, still team Jacob though. I think they should turn down all of the "vampireism" ? haha. soon maybe all people will be sick of hearing about them and all of that will just be a waist. Anyways, great job!
ReplyDeleteTruthfully, I read Twilight, and finished it RIGHT when the October storm hit, and what's getting me mad is everyone's freaking out on who read it first or not! It's a book. Calm down.
ReplyDeleteYou all have good points. I understand that it was her book and she could do what ever, but it made me mad that she destroyed all I knew and loved about the blood drinkers of the night.
ReplyDeleteplease take the polls below, there is not much time let for them.
i totally agree. this vampire crave is so annoying. people are actually going out and removing their K9 teeth and getting the replaced with fake vampire teeth. i think the movie Twilight destroyed the vampire meaning. it used to mean someone that would do anything for blood and they could turn into bats and such. they were so hardcore until that poor excuse for a movie came out.
ReplyDeleteok, this website is absolutly hilarious. nice choice to put on this blog. ohh boy everyone that comes to this blog check it out.
I added some articles below. Check them out they are kinda cool, and weird, yet some what true all at the same time!
ReplyDeleteI just recently went to that vampirewebsite.net. Is that crap for real?!! Although I sometimes wish that vampires existed, I think that the idea that some of these people are crazy enough to think that they are actually vampires is completely ABSURD!!!!!! And what is the deal with removing your canine teeth so you can get FAKE vampire fangs? Really, people!!!!! The only phrase that comes to mind on this topic is: GET SMART!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe whole vampire thing is going way over the top. There's so many shows and movies out about vampires that its annoying. If Edward Cullen on twilight wasn't so gorgeous I'm sure people wouldn't have gotten so drawn in.
ReplyDeleteI want to be one to.
yes, i think that people are going over-board. Vampires are just another mythological creature created to scare people. THEY DON"T EXIST!!!!! And people go around thinking they are a vampire?
ReplyDeleteVamps are awsome and all but you need to remeber that how people see vamps are different in each area, like the ones that are getting popular now are the british form of a vamp not the american.
ReplyDeletenice blog! a lot of good information. i agree with you on this tottaly but i still love them!
ReplyDeletei agree wtih VolleyballChick, i loveee vamps but i do think that poeple are going a little crazy over them! but nice blog,, good job!
ReplyDeleteI think that people are giving Twilight too much credit. And yess, people are bringing vampires over the top.
ReplyDeleteVampires are still cool. Just overused.
ReplyDeleteyah. I don't know what the big deal is about vampires being sooo cool.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is probably the sweetest. Tons of info.
ReplyDeleteAlthough, Mr. Crepsley is pretty cool.
ReplyDeletevery cool blog and i like the twillight movies and the books but they are going over the top i agree
ReplyDeletei see no problem with all the vampires. different people like different things.
ReplyDeleteyou have a good point, but i agree with claire.
ReplyDeleteI think the vampire topic is being pushed a little to much right now. With the Twilight Saga, and The Vampire Dairies. People need to back off the whole vampire topic.
ReplyDeletethis is a really good blog. but everyone has there own opinion..